
St Ann’s depends on the generosity of its members and friends to make all we do possible. It is your generosity that enables us to pursue our vision of Belonging, Believing and Being out there. Regular financial giving is part of our pattern of worship, and setting up a regular monthly gift helps us to plan ahead.

There are three main ways to give to St Ann’s Church:

  1. By setting up a standing order with your bank:

    Account Name: St Anns Church P.C.C
    Sort Code: 20-53-00
    Account Number: 30794236

  2. Giving online by clicking here

  3. Using the envelopes provided in church (please make cheques payable to St Ann’s Church PCC)

For more information on giving or the finances at St Ann’s, contact our Treasurer at or telephone us on 0208 211 8710.